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Truly Beautiful

Today I stand here as a beauty-full woman. I look at myself and am blown away with

who I see before me: a strong, confident, powerful and truly beautiful woman.

Not something I pictured for myself when I was a teenager. Riddled with insecurities and self-doubt, all I had to go by was how I looked on the outside.

Did I fit the picture of beauty everyone was looking for? Often not. But worse, I didn’t fit

my own picture.

I felt miserable on the inside. Lost and unsure of who I was. There was a time I would

look in the mirror and all I saw was pain and confusion. And often, an ugliness that I

didn’t know the source of… who was that looking at me?

Today, I glow and radiate an inner confidence and inner strength of knowing exactly who

I am – a truly beautiful woman. And more than that, I live the loveliness of that every day.

Recently I read an article that said only 4% of women feel they are beautiful… how truly

sad. How is it that this kind of miserable statistic can exist when we are all truly

beautiful… what happens?

You only have to look into the face of a child to know we are all truly divine and precious.

How then is it possible for some of us to be able to look into a mirror and see nothing

but ugliness and criticism?

So what changed for me?

Thanks to being introduced to the simple teachings, yet sometimes not so easy steps to self-care and self-love – both very foreign concepts to me at the time – however, they made

sense, so I was willing to give them a try.

What I learned was I was being driven by a world telling me how to be, look, act and think.

Thanks to being more self-loving and caring I was given the space to feel for

myself what was true for me or not.

So today I stand free of most of those impositions and as a result no longer feel ugly from living what is not me.

Today I stand as me… in the beauty and joy of that… and now show a different way, not ashamed or afraid to say I am truly beautiful.

As I have been inspired by others to love and care for myself and claim my own beauty,

today I inspire others to also claim their beauty as they too will inspire another… and so

on it goes, ‘til one day we all know how truly amazing and truly beautiful we are!

By Caroline Raphael, 14th November 2014


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